Introduction to pandas#

Pandas is a an open source library providing high-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools. Pandas is particularly suited to the analysis of tabular data, i.e. data that can can go into a table. In other words, if you can imagine the data in an Excel spreadsheet, then Pandas is the tool for the job.

  • A fast and efficient DataFrame object for data manipulation with indexing;

  • Tools for reading and writing data: CSV and text files, Excel, SQL;

  • Intelligent data alignment and integrated handling of missing data;

  • Flexible reshaping and pivoting of data sets;

  • Intelligent label-based slicing, indexing, and subsetting of large data sets;

  • High performance aggregating, merging, joining or transforming data;

  • Hierarchical indexing provides an intuitive way of working with high-dimensional data;

  • Time series-functionality: date-based indexing, frequency conversion, moving windows, date shifting and lagging;


Documentation for this package is available at


If you have not yet set up Python on your computer, you can execute this tutorial in your browser via Google Colab. Click on the rocket in the top right corner and launch “Colab”. If that doesn’t work download the .ipynb file and import it in Google Colab.

Then install pandas and numpy by executing the following command in a Jupyter cell at the top of the notebook.

!pip install pandas numpy
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

Pandas Data Structures: Series#

A Series represents a one-dimensional array of data. The main difference between a Series and numpy array is that a Series has an index. The index contains the labels that we use to access the data.

There are many ways to create a Series. We will just show a few. The core constructor is pd.Series().

(Data are from Wikipedia’s List of photovoltaic power stations.)

names = ["Gonghe Talatan", "Midong","Bhadla"]
values = [10380, 3500, 2245]
s = pd.Series(values, index=names)
Gonghe Talatan    10380
Midong             3500
Bhadla             2245
dtype: int64
dictionary = {
    "Gonghe Talatan": 10380, 
    "Midong": 3500,
    "Bhadla": 2245
s = pd.Series(dictionary)
Gonghe Talatan    10380
Midong             3500
Bhadla             2245
dtype: int64

Arithmetic operations and most numpy functions can be applied to pd.Series. An important point is that the Series keep their index during such operations.

np.log(s) / s**0.5
Gonghe Talatan    0.090768
Midong            0.137938
Bhadla            0.162858
dtype: float64

We can access the underlying index object if we need to:

Index(['Gonghe Talatan', 'Midong', 'Bhadla'], dtype='object')

We can get values back out using the index via the .loc attribute


Or by raw position using .iloc


We can pass a list or array to loc to get multiple rows back:

s.loc[['Gonghe Talatan', 'Midong']]
Gonghe Talatan    10380
Midong             3500
dtype: int64

And we can even use slice notation

s.loc['Gonghe Talatan': 'Midong']
Gonghe Talatan    10380
Midong             3500
dtype: int64
Gonghe Talatan    10380
Midong             3500
dtype: int64

If we need to, we can always get the raw data back out as well

s.values  # a numpy array
array([10380,  3500,  2245])

Pandas Data Structures: DataFrame#

There is a lot more to Series, but they are limit to a single column. A more useful Pandas data structure is the DataFrame. A DataFrame is basically a bunch of series that share the same index. It’s a lot like a table in a spreadsheet.

The core constructor is pd.DataFrame()

Below we create a DataFrame.

# first we create a dictionary
data = {
    "capacity": [10380,  3500,  2245],  # MW
    "type": ["photovoltaic", "photovoltaic", "photovoltaic"],
    "start_year": [2023, 2024, 2018],
    "end_year": [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan],
df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=["Gonghe Talatan", "Midong","Bhadla"])
capacity type start_year end_year
Gonghe Talatan 10380 photovoltaic 2023 NaN
Midong 3500 photovoltaic 2024 NaN
Bhadla 2245 photovoltaic 2018 NaN

We can also switch columns and rows very easily.

Gonghe Talatan Midong Bhadla
capacity 10380 3500 2245
type photovoltaic photovoltaic photovoltaic
start_year 2023 2024 2018
end_year NaN NaN NaN

A wide range of statistical functions are available on both Series and DataFrames.

capacity              2245
type          photovoltaic
start_year            2018
end_year               NaN
dtype: object
capacity      5375.000000
start_year    2021.666667
end_year              NaN
dtype: float64
capacity      4379.64325
start_year       3.21455
end_year             NaN
dtype: float64
capacity start_year end_year
count 3.00000 3.000000 0.0
mean 5375.00000 2021.666667 NaN
std 4379.64325 3.214550 NaN
min 2245.00000 2018.000000 NaN
25% 2872.50000 2020.500000 NaN
50% 3500.00000 2023.000000 NaN
75% 6940.00000 2023.500000 NaN
max 10380.00000 2024.000000 NaN

We can get a single column as a Series using python’s getitem syntax on the DataFrame object.

Gonghe Talatan    10380
Midong             3500
Bhadla             2245
Name: capacity, dtype: int64

…or using attribute syntax.

Gonghe Talatan    10380
Midong             3500
Bhadla             2245
Name: capacity, dtype: int64

Indexing works very similar to series

capacity              2245
type          photovoltaic
start_year            2018
end_year               NaN
Name: Bhadla, dtype: object
capacity              2245
type          photovoltaic
start_year            2018
end_year               NaN
Name: Bhadla, dtype: object

But we can also specify the column(s) and row(s) we want to access

df.loc["Bhadla", "start_year"]
df.loc[["Midong", "Bhadla"], ["start_year", "end_year"]]
start_year end_year
Midong 2024 NaN
Bhadla 2018 NaN
df.capacity * 0.8
Gonghe Talatan    8304.0
Midong            2800.0
Bhadla            1796.0
Name: capacity, dtype: float64

Which we can easily add as another column to the DataFrame:

df["reduced_capacity"] = df.capacity * 0.8
capacity type start_year end_year reduced_capacity
Gonghe Talatan 10380 photovoltaic 2023 NaN 8304.0
Midong 3500 photovoltaic 2024 NaN 2800.0
Bhadla 2245 photovoltaic 2018 NaN 1796.0

We can also remove columns or rows from a DataFrame:

df.drop("reduced_capacity", axis="columns")
capacity type start_year end_year
Gonghe Talatan 10380 photovoltaic 2023 NaN
Midong 3500 photovoltaic 2024 NaN
Bhadla 2245 photovoltaic 2018 NaN

We can update the variable df by either overwriting df or passing an inplace keyword:

df.drop("reduced_capacity", axis="columns", inplace=True)

We can also drop columns with only NaN values

capacity type start_year
Gonghe Talatan 10380 photovoltaic 2023
Midong 3500 photovoltaic 2024
Bhadla 2245 photovoltaic 2018

Or fill it up with default “fallback” data:

capacity type start_year end_year
Gonghe Talatan 10380 photovoltaic 2023 2050.0
Midong 3500 photovoltaic 2024 2050.0
Bhadla 2245 photovoltaic 2018 2050.0

Say, we already have one value for end_year and want to fill up the missing data:

df.loc["Bhadla", "end_year"] = 2050
# backward (upwards) fill from non-nan values
/tmp/ipykernel_3504/ FutureWarning: DataFrame.fillna with 'method' is deprecated and will raise in a future version. Use obj.ffill() or obj.bfill() instead.
capacity type start_year end_year
Gonghe Talatan 10380 photovoltaic 2023 2050.0
Midong 3500 photovoltaic 2024 2050.0
Bhadla 2245 photovoltaic 2018 2050.0

Sorting Data#

We can also sort the entries in dataframes, e.g. alphabetically by index or numerically by column values

capacity type start_year end_year
Bhadla 2245 photovoltaic 2018 2050.0
Gonghe Talatan 10380 photovoltaic 2023 NaN
Midong 3500 photovoltaic 2024 NaN
df.sort_values(by="capacity", ascending=False)
capacity type start_year end_year
Gonghe Talatan 10380 photovoltaic 2023 NaN
Midong 3500 photovoltaic 2024 NaN
Bhadla 2245 photovoltaic 2018 2050.0

If we make a calculation using columns from the DataFrame, it will keep the same index:

Merging Data#

Pandas supports a wide range of methods for merging different datasets. These are described extensively in the documentation. Here we just give a few examples.

data = {
    "capacity": [2050, 1650, 1350],  # MW
    "type": ["photovoltaic", "photovoltaic","photovoltaic",],
    "start_year": [2019, 2019, 2021],
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data, index=["Pavagada", "Benban", "Kalyon Karapinar"])
capacity type start_year
Pavagada 2050 photovoltaic 2019
Benban 1650 photovoltaic 2019
Kalyon Karapinar 1350 photovoltaic 2021

We can now add this additional data to the df object

df = pd.concat([df, df2])
capacity type start_year end_year
Gonghe Talatan 10380 photovoltaic 2023 NaN
Midong 3500 photovoltaic 2024 NaN
Bhadla 2245 photovoltaic 2018 2050.0
Pavagada 2050 photovoltaic 2019 NaN
Benban 1650 photovoltaic 2019 NaN
Kalyon Karapinar 1350 photovoltaic 2021 NaN

Filtering Data#

We can also filter a DataFrame using a boolean series obtained from a condition. This is very useful to build subsets of the DataFrame.

df.capacity > 2000
Gonghe Talatan       True
Midong               True
Bhadla               True
Pavagada             True
Benban              False
Kalyon Karapinar    False
Name: capacity, dtype: bool
df[df.capacity > 2000]
capacity type start_year end_year
Gonghe Talatan 10380 photovoltaic 2023 NaN
Midong 3500 photovoltaic 2024 NaN
Bhadla 2245 photovoltaic 2018 2050.0
Pavagada 2050 photovoltaic 2019 NaN

We can also combine multiple conditions, but we need to wrap the conditions with brackets!

df[(df.capacity > 2000) & (df.start_year >= 2020)]
capacity type start_year end_year
Gonghe Talatan 10380 photovoltaic 2023 NaN
Midong 3500 photovoltaic 2024 NaN

Or we make SQL-like queries:

df.query("start_year == 2019")
capacity type start_year end_year
Pavagada 2050 photovoltaic 2019 NaN
Benban 1650 photovoltaic 2019 NaN
threshold = 2000
df.query("start_year == 2019 and capacity > @threshold")
capacity type start_year end_year
Pavagada 2050 photovoltaic 2019 NaN

Modifying Values#

In many cases, we want to modify values in a dataframe based on some rule. To modify values, we need to use .loc or .iloc

df.loc["Bhadla", "capacity"] += 500
capacity type start_year end_year
Gonghe Talatan 10380 photovoltaic 2023 NaN
Midong 3500 photovoltaic 2024 NaN
Bhadla 2745 photovoltaic 2018 2050.0
Pavagada 2050 photovoltaic 2019 NaN
Benban 1650 photovoltaic 2019 NaN
Kalyon Karapinar 1350 photovoltaic 2021 NaN

Applying Functions#

Sometimes it can be useful apply a function to all values of a column/row. For instance, we might be interested in normalised capacities relative to the largest PV power plant:

df.capacity.apply(lambda x: x / df.capacity.max())
Gonghe Talatan      1.000000
Midong              0.337187
Bhadla              0.264451
Pavagada            0.197495
Benban              0.158960
Kalyon Karapinar    0.130058
Name: capacity, dtype: float64 x: x / df.capacity.max())
Gonghe Talatan      1.000000
Midong              0.337187
Bhadla              0.264451
Pavagada            0.197495
Benban              0.158960
Kalyon Karapinar    0.130058
Name: capacity, dtype: float64

For simple functions, there’s often an easier alternative:

df.capacity / df.capacity.max()
Gonghe Talatan      1.000000
Midong              0.337187
Bhadla              0.264451
Pavagada            0.197495
Benban              0.158960
Kalyon Karapinar    0.130058
Name: capacity, dtype: float64

But .apply() and .map() often give you more flexibility.

Renaming Indices and Columns#

Sometimes it can be useful to rename columns:

df.rename(columns=dict(start_year="commission", end_year="decommission"))
capacity type commission decommission
Gonghe Talatan 10380 photovoltaic 2023 NaN
Midong 3500 photovoltaic 2024 NaN
Bhadla 2745 photovoltaic 2018 2050.0
Pavagada 2050 photovoltaic 2019 NaN
Benban 1650 photovoltaic 2019 NaN
Kalyon Karapinar 1350 photovoltaic 2021 NaN

Replacing Values#

Sometimes it can be useful to replace values:

df.replace({"photovoltaic": "PV"})
capacity type start_year end_year
Gonghe Talatan 10380 PV 2023 NaN
Midong 3500 PV 2024 NaN
Bhadla 2745 PV 2018 2050.0
Pavagada 2050 PV 2019 NaN
Benban 1650 PV 2019 NaN
Kalyon Karapinar 1350 PV 2021 NaN


DataFrames have all kinds of useful plotting built in. Note that we do not even have to import matplotlib for this.

df.plot(kind="scatter", x="start_year", y="capacity")
<Axes: xlabel='start_year', ylabel='capacity'>
<Axes: >

Reading and Writing Files#

To read data into pandas, we can use for instance the pd.read_csv() function. This function is incredibly powerful and complex with a multitude of settings. You can use it to extract data from almost any text file.

The pd.read_csv() function can take a path to a local file as an input, or even a link to an online text file.

Let’s import a file containing data measured at a weather station.

fn = "weather_station_data.csv"
df = pd.read_csv(fn, index_col=0)
df.iloc[:5, :10]
GHI (W.m-2) DHI (W.m-2) Ambient Temperature (Deg C) Relative Humidity (%) wind velocity (m.s-1) wind direction (deg)
2024-01-01 00:00:00+00:00 3.290 2.187 5.428 95.4 2.409 120.8
2024-01-01 00:05:00+00:00 3.201 2.013 5.425 95.4 2.951 123.8
2024-01-01 00:10:00+00:00 3.308 2.203 5.456 95.5 2.648 124.9
2024-01-01 00:15:00+00:00 3.010 1.796 5.470 95.5 2.723 122.0
2024-01-01 00:20:00+00:00 3.479 2.370 5.491 95.4 2.478 125.5
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 52704 entries, 2024-01-01 00:00:00+00:00 to 2024-07-01 23:55:00+00:00
Data columns (total 6 columns):
 #   Column                       Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------                       --------------  -----  
 0   GHI (W.m-2)                  52249 non-null  float64
 1   DHI (W.m-2)                  52249 non-null  float64
 2   Ambient Temperature (Deg C)  52249 non-null  float64
 3   Relative Humidity (%)        52249 non-null  float64
 4   wind velocity (m.s-1)        52274 non-null  float64
 5   wind direction (deg)         52274 non-null  float64
dtypes: float64(6)
memory usage: 2.8+ MB
GHI (W.m-2) DHI (W.m-2) Ambient Temperature (Deg C) Relative Humidity (%) wind velocity (m.s-1) wind direction (deg)
count 52249.000000 52249.000000 52249.000000 52249.000000 52274.000000 52274.000000
mean 125.476227 64.949393 7.658637 81.494715 2.822048 172.038209
std 205.015278 94.282571 6.425798 13.194039 1.618026 91.322030
min 0.933000 0.474000 -13.290000 27.650000 0.000000 0.000000
25% 3.631000 2.414000 3.609000 75.200000 1.630250 93.600000
50% 13.220000 11.850000 7.053000 85.400000 2.629000 174.900000
75% 158.400000 94.900000 11.930000 91.200000 3.779000 248.600000
max 1246.000000 645.100000 26.710000 100.000000 13.180000 360.000000

Sometimes, we also want to store a DataFrame for later use. There are many different file formats tabular data can be stored in, including HTML, JSON, Excel, Parquet, Feather, etc. Here, let’s say we want to store the DataFrame as CSV (comma-separated values) file under the name “data.csv”.
