Problem 12.8

Problem 12.8#

Fundamentals of Solar Cells and Photovoltaic Systems Engineering

Solutions Manual - Chapter 12

Problem 12.8

For the spectra in Problem S12.7 and assuming that the lamps are located at the correct position, what is the error that is made at each of the nine 100 nm broadbands from 300 to 1200 nm for each of the lamps with respect to the solar spectrum?

We will use the package pandas to handle the data and matplotlib.pyplot to plot the results.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

We start by importing the data for the solar spectra.

reference = pd.read_csv('data/Reference_spectrum_ASTM-G173-03.csv', index_col=0, header=0) 
AM0 AM1.5G AM1.5D
Wvlgth nm Etr W*m-2*nm-1 Global tilt W*m-2*nm-1 Direct+circumsolar W*m-2*nm-1
280 8.20E-02 4.73E-23 2.54E-26
280.5 9.90E-02 1.23E-21 1.09E-24
281 1.50E-01 5.69E-21 6.13E-24
281.5 2.12E-01 1.57E-19 2.75E-22
... ... ... ...
3980 8.84E-03 7.39E-03 7.40E-03
3985 8.80E-03 7.43E-03 7.45E-03
3990 8.78E-03 7.37E-03 7.39E-03
3995 8.70E-03 7.21E-03 7.23E-03
4000 8.68E-03 7.10E-03 7.12E-03

2003 rows × 3 columns

reference.drop(reference.index[0], inplace=True)   # remove row including information on units
reference=reference.astype(float)                  # convert values to float for easy operation
reference.index=reference.index.astype(float)      # convert indexes to float for easy operation

We import the data for the Xe-arc lamp.

xe_arc = pd.read_csv('data/Xe lamp spectral irradiance.csv', index_col=0, header=0) 
Xe arc lamp (W*m-2*nm-1)
wavelength (nm)
300.36966 0.000793
300.58005 0.000816
300.79044 0.000837
301.00082 0.000858
301.21124 0.000876
... ...
1199.77246 0.213920
1199.84302 0.213600
1199.91345 0.213280
1199.98401 0.212960
1200.05444 0.212640

6283 rows × 1 columns

We import the data for the quartz tungsten lamp.

quartz_w = pd.read_csv('data/W lamp spectral irradiance.csv', index_col=0, header=0) 
W halogen lamp (W*m-2*nm-1)
wavelength (nm)
300 0.000001
301 0.000010
302 0.000100
303 0.000200
304 0.000300
... ...
1196 0.654304
1197 0.653941
1198 0.651544
1199 0.647531
1200 0.644677

901 rows × 1 columns

We can also plot the AM1.5G spectra, the Xe-arc lamp, and the quarz tungsten lamp spectra.

         linewidth=2, label='AM1.5G')
         linewidth=2, label='Xe-arc lamp')
         linewidth=2, label='Quartz tungsten lamp')
plt.ylabel('Spectral distribution (W*m-2*nm-1)')
plt.xlabel('Wavelength (nm)')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f8336daff90>

We can calculate the total irradiance from every spectra in each 100 nm-bands from 300 to 1200 nm.

bands = np.array(np.arange(300,1300,100))
irradiance_bands = pd.DataFrame(columns=['AM1.5G', 'Xe arc lamp', 'Quartz W halogen lamp'])
Xe=xe_arc['Xe arc lamp (W*m-2*nm-1)']
Quartz_W=quartz_w['W halogen lamp (W*m-2*nm-1)']
for band in bands:    
    AM15G_interpolated=np.interp(np.arange(band, band+100, w), AM15G.index, AM15G.values)   
    irradiance_bands.loc[band,'AM1.5G'] = AM15G_interpolated.sum()*w
    Xe_interpolated=np.interp(np.arange(band, band+100, w), Xe.index, Xe.values)   
    irradiance_bands.loc[band,'Xe arc lamp'] = Xe_interpolated.sum()*w
    Quartz_W_interpolated=np.interp(np.arange(band, band+100, w), Quartz_W.index, Quartz_W.values)   
    irradiance_bands.loc[band,'Quartz W halogen lamp'] = Quartz_W_interpolated.sum()*w
AM1.5G Xe arc lamp Quartz W halogen lamp
300 46.3471 7.745697 4.3254
400 137.925 59.513764 22.750901
500 151.4 68.860502 51.50123
600 140.4 71.229846 77.502158
700 111.44 58.938656 93.554867
800 95.685 118.622972 99.165299
900 56.28 112.40382 97.922396
1000 64.92 38.525673 85.919091
1100 31.3655 30.108108 74.070708
1200 43.635 21.265237 64.467675

We can plot the total irradiance per band from the different lamps.

ax =
plt.ylabel('Irradiance (W*m-2)')
plt.xlabel('Wavelength (nm)')
Text(0.5, 0, 'Wavelength (nm)')

We can also calculate the errors in percentage.

irradiance_bands['error Xe arc lamp'] = 100*(irradiance_bands['Xe arc lamp']/irradiance_bands['AM1.5G']-1)
irradiance_bands['error Quartz W halogen lamp'] = 100*(irradiance_bands['Quartz W halogen lamp']/irradiance_bands['AM1.5G']-1)

AM1.5G Xe arc lamp Quartz W halogen lamp error Xe arc lamp error Quartz W halogen lamp
300 46.3471 7.745697 4.3254 -83.287635 -90.667377
400 137.925 59.513764 22.750901 -56.850633 -83.504875
500 151.4 68.860502 51.50123 -54.517502 -65.983335
600 140.4 71.229846 77.502158 -49.266492 -44.799033
700 111.44 58.938656 93.554867 -47.111759 -16.049114
800 95.685 118.622972 99.165299 23.97238 3.637246
900 56.28 112.40382 97.922396 99.722494 73.991465
1000 64.92 38.525673 85.919091 -40.656696 32.346104
1100 31.3655 30.108108 74.070708 -4.008838 136.153444
1200 43.635 21.265237 64.467675 -51.265643 47.743038